I have started this blog as a place for me to chat with myself about the TV shows, books, movies, and music that I love. You may find my views simple, but I believe in simply being entertained. I don’t care if the latest novel I’m reading is the new hot book Oprah says everyone should read. I don’t care if the music I listen to changes the world. I don’t care if the movie I just saw is nominated for best picture of the year. Did it entertain me? Tell me a story, show me a new world, take me into outer space, and make me care about your characters. This is what I want out of my entertainment.
Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I don’t watch news, I don’t (with few exceptions) watch reality TV, and I don’t read books to improve my mind. Shallow you may say but after a long day, when the kids are finally in bed, my adorable husband is softly snoring next to me and the cat is purring at my feet, I want to relax. A few years back I felt like the weight of life was trying to smother me. I started hearing about people that “cut out the stress”. That sounded really good to me. The one thing that was universal with all these people was cutting out news. How could I do that???? Wouldn’t that make me an uncaring member of society? Didn’t I have to wallow in everyone’s grief and misery with them? Turns out the answer is NO. So, I did it, I cut out the news; and after a few weeks of adjustment I started to notice a difference. I felt lighter, happier. I felt the weight start to lift a little bit off my shoulders. What if something major happens you ask???? Given my husband’s job and my pretty much constant attachment to the internet, there is little chance that something of magnitude would slip by me unnoticed. So, even though I do not keep my thumb on current events the world continues to turn without me. Who knew?!
I have to suggest American Idol's castings. They are entertaining, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteI will usually tune in for the tryouts but once the competition starts, I'm done. Although with the new judges this year I may have to give it another shot.
ReplyDeleteyeah as a member of the MOFia now you have little chance of missing out on something big, lol! and...who ARE the new judges? not that i can watch b/c i don't have that channel...or tivo...or dvr...how is it that we are such good friends? we are going to HAVE to go to a hotel when you are here, you might die when you see my meager technology set up, lol!
ReplyDeletei gave up on AI a few years back when the drama between judges was just too much. we, too, like bela, only tune in for the castings, then move on.
ReplyDeleteThe new judges are Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith). I cant stand Simmon. The man drives me bananas!